Today was crazyyy!
So, my day started off at 10, when i had to get ready for ballet. Left around 11. Went to my friend's place and she made lychee cooler! then, i went for a shower then took off.
Had a great time today just chilling, walking around, drinking juiceee. i had lychee paradise. (: It's nice getting to know more about a person. haha. We went to the Arcade after that seeing as there was half an hour left till our movie started. I FINALLY GOT TO PLAY THOSE SHOOTING GAMES! and, APPARENTLY, i'm pretty good (; HAHA. The gamee was REALLY funn, i have to admit! (: I'm so going back there again! HAHA.
Then, we headed off to go watch, WAIT FOR IT,
Paranormal Activities 2
I, had my mind dead set on it being so freaky and all. BUT, it turned be rather..dissapointing. :/ the show was so sloww and, so unrealistic. Idk, maybe it's just me. I'm hoping paranormal activities was BETTER. I'm pretty sure im not having any nightmares tonight! AHHA. :P I guess, i can watch horror movies, after all (:
Went for dinner at sushi zanmai. and we talked (: I'm really comfortable around you. Haha, being all ridiculous and teaching you things you NEVER knew. I would say today was a very good day indeed (:
Left around 9. I was an hour and a half late for my cousin's bday DINNER. haha. but, it's alright! better late than never, no? :P after that, i had a movie with my family. I just got back an hour ago. :/
SO, HELL TO THE YEAH. today was a very productive day :D
It's so easy to be myself around you