Hello world (:
I just made another cover yesterday.
Someone else's heart by Kina Grannis
I'm bored out of my mind, but i really dont wanna go out too. everytime i go out, i'd be spending at least 50 bucks. ): I'm broke already. what worst? I have to drive to PJ and back almost everyday to fetch my brother back from school :/ Haihz. life's hard. I cant wait to move in to my new place on MARCH 4TH :D haha. it's soon. Hope everything works out perfectly.
I was watching harry potter and the sorcerer's stone (: They were all so young and innocent and CUTE. ahha. I'm going to have a Harry potter marathon one day, cause i've totally forgotten everything about harry potter. :/ I'm always watching it just for fun. Haha. I've never read the book before. weird eh? i know. Hee.
You know, i really do think that youtube singers are better than the current famous ones on the radio. :/ They are SO MUCH MORE TALENTED. they should be getting the fame.
Anyways, I think im going over to my cousin's studio to record some songs once im free. Maybe even record some of my originals. Im planning on getting mics and cameras so i can finally record a decent video to post on youtube. :D I cant wait! haha.
on the other hand, college is starting in just 6 days. OHMYGOD. i haven't even gotten anything. :/ ALL I HAVE IS A LAPTOP COVER. i dont even have a LAPTOP for that matter. haha. I cant wait till i get to meet new people! :D WHEE.
Blogging's actually quite fun. (: It takes my boredom away, for that few minutes. I keep replaying my cover. Im weird, so weird. Haha.
I went back to WMS on monday. It felt so good seeing old friends and teachers. What i'll miss most about WMS..HMM..
1. sitting in the corner of class with Quin and Ching talking about everything. (:
2. Handball. My darlings, you know who you are. 7 11 12 :D

3. Basketball. Haha, even though we never won anything. we were still good. Mandy and shuen (: the ultimate trio! :D
4. 4P/5P that sings "happy birthday" non-stop all day. HAHA. we're cool that way, yo :P
5. Break and lunch with the girls! ACMJEQ :D almost TRYING to plan for outings but failing miserably in the end.
6. BM buddies. :D Fighting/ chatting/ joking around while ALAMIN talks in front. Haha!
8. Blue house trainings. BEST EVER. (: Mr Naresh is one hell of a teacher!
9. CONCERTS. ): ohmygod. even though we always had the lamest themes but, still, WE ROCKED THE STAGE EVERY YEAR. hee!
10. All my friends and teachers that i've made throughout this 5 years in WMS. I love you, from the bottom of my heart. and im gonna miss you SO MUCH. how i wish i could stay another 10 more years.
There goes that chapter of my life. :/ aihz. we all gotta move one sometime, no? although i really wish i didn't have to. Time's just..flashing before my eyes and i can't stop it. it sucks, to know you're growing up.
Anyways, im going to watch gossip girl now. :D So, Buhbye!

Hee. I was bored. :D
You keep me wanting more (: