I don't need anymore broken heart
I'm tired of waiting for life to start
i just need a place to land
I wanna find myself again
Ready set I'm pushing through the door
Running faster than I ever have before
So take this as my final stand
Come on catch me if you can
well, i found out something today. and it really hurt. :/ I mean, it was what i least expected, you could say. I really, somehow, thought you wouldn't be another one of those asses who'd break my heart. But, it's safe to say, i was SO wrong.
You can't blame me for being who i am now cause YOU were the whole reason i ever became like this. You're the reason why i'm so scared of committing to just one guy. I can't do that. You were supposed to prove to me that not all guys are JERKS. but, apparently, you ended up being the guy who proved me right instead.
It sucks to know that there are no decent guys in this world that are actually like those in the movies. How they'd do anything and everything to get you and show everyone that you're the one. They'd go out of their way to ask you out on a date and make sure that they'll never have to see a single tear fall from your face. It sucks that there isn't anymore guys who would actually fight for you when everyone is dissing you, stand up for you just to prove everyone else wrong. And it sucks the most to find that there isn't a decent guy out there who wouldnt ever hurt you.
I've lost faith in guys. really. Can't a guy please prove to me that not all guys are like these jerks i've met so far? :/
Idk. Maybe one day, i'll meet that someone. but, till then, my heart's gonna be locked up in a very safe place. Like my godbrother tells me
Just treat love as a game and you'll never loose. (:

sometimes, I just wish i was a kid again.