Saturday, October 9, 2010
dear god (:
My next cover is going to be, Wait for it.. (: Hee
If i die young
The Band Perry
Falling for you
Colbie Caillat
sam tsui's my inspiration for if i die young. His cover was just..ZE BOMB (:
check it out, when you're free. he's amazing. if you havent heard of him, you're probably living under a rock. Hee, and AHMIR (best R&B band on youtube), alex goot, AJ rafael, tyler ward, julia sheers and SO MANY MORE. im so hooked on all these youtube stars. They so belong under a spotlight. I swear, they're just TOO damn good. And im so jealous.
And for falling for you, it well, lets just say, i can totally relate to it right now (;
Well, i posted up my songs on youtube, which honestly, isnt doing so well. Hee, its dead. And im just not bothered. (:
Being in f5 is pretty tough, but im coping. I mean, the whole trials crap is tiring and all, but i guess, its not the end of the world. (: SPM is in less than 50 days. and im still so careless. I need someone to push me to study, cause at this rate im going. Ill be studying for SPM in one week. SHIT. D: oh god. and i even have the guts to believe im getting straight As. =.=
i'm dead.
im scared now.
Okay, moving on. i hate talking about SPM. =.= Ive been having a rather good week. (: ahah, really good week, actually. LALALA.
He's simply amazing (:
I finally got my license. I took ze exam on monday! And i just went to collect my license just now. HAHA, i could have sworn that the invigilator was like flirting with his eyes. BUT, WTV. ahha, just smile girlies (; Im so glad its over, and now, i can finally drive. :D WHEE!
My parents just got back from japan yesterday. And they bought me purple nike kicks, a
Burberry bag and purse <3
neways, ill update later or something. (: till then, peace out!
Funny when you're dead,
how people start listening.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Its so hard.
I woke up today. hoping that whatever happened in my dream would happen. you held me in your arms and told me you love me. But, something happened. and you left me. standing there. with no one left to lean onto. You, took my heart and walked away. This is just too hard for me. I think about being with you, everyday. And i think about having you to me, all by myself. But, i also think about walking away. cause, i know if i continue this, my heart will break into a million pieces. I want so much to find a guy that will make me happy and not go through so much crap too. but, I somehow cant, this is so not me. i just cant walk away. I aint strong enough too. so, its easy to say that I dont know what to do either. cause i know, our love is just strong, to even last this long. You're special, you know that right? and you're the only one that makes my heartbeat faster just by saying how amazing I am. I smile everytime i see your name on my pone. I laugh when you say the dumbest things. And i love the fact that you made me fall in love with you. you're so perfect, just by being you. I wish thing could've been easier for us. I do. I mean, if we really are totally and completely in love with each other, our love should be able to go through mountains and seas, no? Maybe, this is just not the right time for us. Maybe.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
you are the only exception.
Im so weird. I blog when I need to study. :D had this sudden urge to blog. HAHA, anyways
Im gonna die. cause, well, ive been doing bio for the last 6 hours. EHE. im awesome that way! so, anyways, Imma go try to study sej. cause..well, i dont know anything. (: YAY ME! *immitates london from suite life of zach and cody
Im gonna die. cause, well, ive been doing bio for the last 6 hours. EHE. im awesome that way! so, anyways, Imma go try to study sej. cause..well, i dont know anything. (: YAY ME! *immitates london from suite life of zach and cody
xoxo, Joey
Thursday, May 27, 2010
nothing i could ever do to make you see
what you mean to me
Let me be honest,
I still think about you every night before I fall asleep
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I'm here for you.
My 21st post
Woah. im actually updating. (: Well, im going for interzone's handball competition next week! so, wish me luck! WHEEE~ I cant believe we made it this far. Anyways, I hope all is well on your side of the world. HAHA, imma need to go do scrapbook/moral project now. O.O Dammit.
The only true gift is a portion of yourself.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Walking away.
I deserve so much more.
You have no idea what i've had to endure this pass few months. It was fun getting to know you and all. But, what i've had to go through just to be your friend wasn't worth it. yet, i kept convincing myself that all this problems were just temporary. Well, i was wrong. it's been what? 3 months? and still, problems after problems. This is not what friends are supposed to be like. Seriously.
Time and time again, i get stood up, but i just take it in, cause i tell myself that you're not gonna do it again. But, still, you fail me, Each time. You've even blamed my friends for things they did not do. As much as i want to be your friend, i cant handle it anymore. I just cant.
The truth is, i've been wanting you to walk away long time ago. cause i didnt want to be the one to leave this friendship. But, you're just too hard to be around with. Dont get me wrong, i dont think you're a bad person, you're just..How do you put this. well, you and i, we just don't belong in the same world. I really dont wanna have to go through anymore of this. Cause everyday, somehow, YOU bring me down when everyone else seems to be making me laugh. YOU. not anyone else, just YOU.
Well, i also hate the fact that you make me sound like a someone who's totally NEEDS YOU ALL THE TIME. you think that you're all that. sorry to break it to ya' kid, but you're not that good looking. You're immature and over senstive, NOT ME. you claim that you know me, but, you're far from that honay. Right now, I just really dont wanna talk to you, or see you, it's just that simple.
You've made it so hard for me to be your friend. And, i honestly know that there are better guys out there that i can pick from to be my friend when i need one. You dont deserve me, and im sure i can get over a thousand ppl to agree with me. Im sorry. But, this is just too hard. and, I dont see the point of me having to work so hard just so i can be your friend. cause, it's just wasting my time.
BTW, this is not just over what happened today, I've been feeling this way a long time now. I dont need you. Oh, and one more thing, you ARE a flirt. i just never dared to tell you that. PUH-LEASE. did you really have to ASK?! you're idiotic and god knows why i actually fell for your sweet talk sometimes. You've always found your way around me, you always got me to forgive you. But, not anymore.
This is the last straw. Im walking away.
I've gave you so many chances to walk away, but you never took it. So, now, I am. I'm so relieved to say that here on out,
I wont be needing you anymore. (:
P/s : i wasnt angry when i got your email today, i actually felt relieved.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sweat + Confidence = Sucess.
i freaking wanna kill somebody.
Are you out to ruin my life or something? IF YOU ARE, please just tell me. Cause then i dont have to waste all my time wondering WHAT I'VE EVER DONE TO YOU?! i dont even know you, bitch. SERIOUSLY. you're so ugly and you dont even know it, or probably do. Wtv. It doesnt matter. BUT, JUST DISSAPEAR. cause i really dont want you to be in ANYWAY part of my life. You're causing so much problems for me. SO EFF OFF. i mean it.
Well, my darling handballers did SO WELL (: We got 3rd in the whole of zone Sentul. So, love us or hate us, we're still THIS awesome! The best thing was, we only got to know that we were gonna go for handball competition that thursday after school, or was it friday. AND our competition was on monday. HAHA. the only "training" we got was that friday during concert practice. and all we did was play a game with the guys who TRASHED us so bad.
Jo : Guys. you cant jump to get the ball. It's too unfair for us!
Guys : Oh....okay....
5 Minutes later...
Xyang : Erm. Joey, can i jump? cause i seriously feel damn useless if i cant.
Jo: EEEE. fine la, fine la.
HAHAHA. Stoopid xyang. :P But might I say, the guys did SUPER well too! but apparently the BBS coach said that you guys were using bball style, that's why u lost. ): BUT QUARTER'S GOOD ENOUGH! OH, we won all the teams BUT Batu Muda and BBS. But, if we were given another chance to play with Batu Muda, i have faith that we would've won the game! Anyhu, we did SO awesome, and i just wanna say that
I miss this already ):
The coolest yet weirdest bunch of ppl you'll ever meet.
I miss ya'll ):
Well, my darling handballers did SO WELL (: We got 3rd in the whole of zone Sentul. So, love us or hate us, we're still THIS awesome! The best thing was, we only got to know that we were gonna go for handball competition that thursday after school, or was it friday. AND our competition was on monday. HAHA. the only "training" we got was that friday during concert practice. and all we did was play a game with the guys who TRASHED us so bad.
Jo : Guys. you cant jump to get the ball. It's too unfair for us!
Guys : Oh....okay....
5 Minutes later...
Xyang : Erm. Joey, can i jump? cause i seriously feel damn useless if i cant.
Jo: EEEE. fine la, fine la.
HAHAHA. Stoopid xyang. :P But might I say, the guys did SUPER well too! but apparently the BBS coach said that you guys were using bball style, that's why u lost. ): BUT QUARTER'S GOOD ENOUGH! OH, we won all the teams BUT Batu Muda and BBS. But, if we were given another chance to play with Batu Muda, i have faith that we would've won the game! Anyhu, we did SO awesome, and i just wanna say that
Love ya'll (:
Especially my darlings, Dhivya Nair and Nisa hurst.
(My fellow strikers / Blue housers )
Love ya'll (:
Especially my darlings, Dhivya Nair and Nisa hurst.
(My fellow strikers / Blue housers )
I miss ya'll ):
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Love and hate.
I dont know anymore. I miss you so bad. But what am i to do? I guess, im not the one. How i hope that things would have ended up differently. Dont we all make mistakes? Whatever it is, i just want the best for you. There's no one to blame for everything that has gone wrong.
So take this small confession as my price to pay
I've never been the kind to let go
But before you up and walk away
I'm miserable without you, you know
This silver leaves me longing for gold
Second place has never carried me home
I've never been the kind to let go
But before you up and walk away
I'm miserable without you, you know
This silver leaves me longing for gold
Second place has never carried me home
I hate that i love you so.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Just go.
do you know what i hate?
I hate the fact that i miss you so much even when I know it's wrong.
We're two world's apart
But every step i take,
I take just to get one step closer to you.
No matter heaven or hell,
I just want you to know,
Ill never leave you alone.
But every step i take,
I take just to get one step closer to you.
No matter heaven or hell,
I just want you to know,
Ill never leave you alone.
Victor Chan is annoying. He thinks he's very pretty. He says the BEST part of my blog is..." go msn, it's my dp"

now, dont we all wanna slap victor? (: and
now, dont we all wanna slap victor? (: and
Victor says: NO! they all want to kiss me.
Now i wanna slap him even more. HAHAHAHAHHA. peace out yo' OH! and we have a band named VMJ (: we're so damn good!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sweet beginnings do arise (:
International Understanding day was really good (: Haha, good job interactors. And I had LOADS of fun during photo session. I had a great time. Im so glad I didn’t miss it. Anyways, Congratulations to all interactors on making this event such an enjoyable and successful one!
Okay, eventhough sports day's been over for around a week now, BUT STILL (: I need to post 'em photos. ehe. I got 3 medals this year. Gold for High jump f5 girls, Gold for 4*100m f5 girls and Bronze for Long jump f5 girls. (: Im happy. EHE. So, yeah, no need anymore explanations. A Picture's worth a million words, no? BUT, I need to say,
BLUE HOUSE, we’re awesome! AND NOTHING will ever change that. (: Love you ppl!
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