i freaking wanna kill somebody.
Are you out to ruin my life or something? IF YOU ARE, please just tell me. Cause then i dont have to waste all my time wondering WHAT I'VE EVER DONE TO YOU?! i dont even know you, bitch. SERIOUSLY. you're so ugly and you dont even know it, or probably do. Wtv. It doesnt matter. BUT, JUST DISSAPEAR. cause i really dont want you to be in ANYWAY part of my life. You're causing so much problems for me. SO EFF OFF. i mean it.
Well, my darling handballers did SO WELL (: We got 3rd in the whole of zone Sentul. So, love us or hate us, we're still THIS awesome! The best thing was, we only got to know that we were gonna go for handball competition that thursday after school, or was it friday. AND our competition was on monday. HAHA. the only "training" we got was that friday during concert practice. and all we did was play a game with the guys who TRASHED us so bad.
Jo : Guys. you cant jump to get the ball. It's too unfair for us!
Guys : Oh....okay....
5 Minutes later...
Xyang : Erm. Joey, can i jump? cause i seriously feel damn useless if i cant.
Jo: EEEE. fine la, fine la.
HAHAHA. Stoopid xyang. :P But might I say, the guys did SUPER well too! but apparently the BBS coach said that you guys were using bball style, that's why u lost. ): BUT QUARTER'S GOOD ENOUGH! OH, we won all the teams BUT Batu Muda and BBS. But, if we were given another chance to play with Batu Muda, i have faith that we would've won the game! Anyhu, we did SO awesome, and i just wanna say that
I miss this already ):
The coolest yet weirdest bunch of ppl you'll ever meet.
I miss ya'll ):
Well, my darling handballers did SO WELL (: We got 3rd in the whole of zone Sentul. So, love us or hate us, we're still THIS awesome! The best thing was, we only got to know that we were gonna go for handball competition that thursday after school, or was it friday. AND our competition was on monday. HAHA. the only "training" we got was that friday during concert practice. and all we did was play a game with the guys who TRASHED us so bad.
Jo : Guys. you cant jump to get the ball. It's too unfair for us!
Guys : Oh....okay....
5 Minutes later...
Xyang : Erm. Joey, can i jump? cause i seriously feel damn useless if i cant.
Jo: EEEE. fine la, fine la.
HAHAHA. Stoopid xyang. :P But might I say, the guys did SUPER well too! but apparently the BBS coach said that you guys were using bball style, that's why u lost. ): BUT QUARTER'S GOOD ENOUGH! OH, we won all the teams BUT Batu Muda and BBS. But, if we were given another chance to play with Batu Muda, i have faith that we would've won the game! Anyhu, we did SO awesome, and i just wanna say that
Love ya'll (:
Especially my darlings, Dhivya Nair and Nisa hurst.
(My fellow strikers / Blue housers )
Love ya'll (:
Especially my darlings, Dhivya Nair and Nisa hurst.
(My fellow strikers / Blue housers )
I miss ya'll ):