I think I did pretty well for someone who has no training what so ever (: I mean, people actually stood up and gave me a standing ovation, that's gotta mean something, no? HEE.
I love the feeling when I'm performing, when all eyes are on you, and you just get the chance to mesmerize the crowd. it's amazing, the feeling. But I guess, the songs that I picked wasn't the best.
What are words - Chris Medina
Medley of Fireworks and Perfect - Katy Perry and Pink
It was a great experience though (: No complaints! And, i don't regret taking part. i mean, being picked as the top 10 finalist over 60 other contestants feels good enough for me. I'm glad I got the chance to perform. Even so, I think i've learnt my lesson of practicing the song for more than once before I go for a performance.