Sunday, February 12, 2012

We're not sad, we're broken.

It's just one more day till valentines.

I honestly though this year, i'd be having the best valentines ever. But, seems like everything can really change in just an hour.

You've been so good to me, and I really dont know how to let us go. Being with you, makes me so happy. And, we're just teenagers, don't we have the right to be happy? I know that our future's are just too different for us to go the long haul, but I still appreciate what we have right now, what we'll have for just one more day.

Parting with you is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I cried for 3 hours last night till i fell asleep because of you. thinking about how i'm not going to be able to embrace you in my arms or even kiss you and talk to you as frequently as i do. Calling you nicknames have been a habit for me, and i dont know how to stop. It's just too weird if i call you by your name.

I hate that my parents are breaking us up. I thought that when we finally told them, things would turn out even better, which was what happened for 2 weeks. until they gave up and decided we werent good for each other. I thought things like this would only happen in movies, i guess i was wrong.

Yesterday when we were on the phone, you said "see, now with my gone, you'll have more time on your studies and your friends" Do you knw how much that hurt me? I mean, whats the point when I won't be able to study with all these on my mind, and about my friends, they dont even wanna hang out w me. They dont care about me like you do. they don't buy me fruits when i feel like eating em. they dont drive me to college just because. they dont always find ways to make me laugh. they dont. you do.

I don't wanna loose you, but i know i have to. I just want us to be happy, we'll be alright in time. I hope.

I love you.