Gosh, I miss you.
I dont know why I always do this to myself. I know that If i went to check out how you were doing on fb, i'd start to remember how close we used to be, how close we were in making things work.
But, to you, I made things up. Things weren't supposed to turn out this way. You were supposed to come back, and we were supposed to go for picnics, watch movies, hang out and just spend time with each other.
I hate not knowing how well things could've went.
But, i guess, everything happens for a reason.
My friends told me that you've moved on, and they were so afraid of telling me, god knows why. But, I guess, i've accepted it. We all have to, eventually. I just want you to find a girl, that you can truly love and stop messing around with their hearts. We're human being, and as much as we deny it sometimes, we're fragile that way. We break, easily, especially girls.