Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bored outta my mind.

I'm so so so so bored. For starters, I have NO IDEA how people study Sejarah. it's just a whole load of crap! =.= GOD MAN. it's so ridiculous! I think i'm just gonna go in the exam hall and crap whatever that comes into my mind, YES, that sounds Perfect! haha.

Anyways, it's chap go mei today. (: Last day of gambling, eating our hearts out and well last day of CNY. I'm really gonna miss it, although i haven't really been in the mood for CNY this year. ):

Well, i just hope that people do read my blog. AHAH, or i'll just be typing to myself. But, that's not very bad now, is it? So yes, this is about all for today, im supposed to be studying. Oops. =.=

watched zombieland and 17 again (again) with my brother last night. HAHA, so funnyy. (: To those who are reading this, Have an awesome day!


It's true
how you never know what you have till it's gone.